Development of Civil Society Program


Exchange of experience between women's clubs

Under the project "Keeping up with the time" implemented by the "Association of scientific and technical intelligentsia of Tajikistan" and Foundation “Education for Democracy”, supported by the Fund of Solidarity in Poland, from 20 to 23 August 2013 four representatives of women’s club of Asht district of Sughd region visited Khatlon region.


Keeping up with the time

On March 1, 2013 the project "Keeping up with the times" was launched in two districts of Khatlon region in Tajikistan. The project is implemented in partnership with the Foundation “Education for Democracy” (FED) and is supported by the Fund of Solidarity within the program "Support for democracy", financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.



There is a well-known saying: the history of mankind is the history of wars. The history of the peoples of Tajikistan is no exception. Of course, the war, and various epidemics, natural disasters, social cataclysms left a lot of social problems, that people have always tried to decide.


What do we do?

The aim of the program is to promote for further growth and development of the capacity of partner organizations and communities in changing mentality of communities towards rising social activity and independence in solving community problems in creating a culture of civic responsibility, philanthropy and social partnership.

Regions of Activity