Power of women in women’s club

Public organization "Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia of Tajikistan" in partnership with the Foundation for Education for Democracy (Poland) and the NGO "Khamroz" in February 2015 in the Khatlon region of Tajikistan.

Peace begins with us

Ассотсиатсияи зиёиёни илмӣ-техникии Тоҷикистон дар ҳамкорӣ бо ташкилоти байналхалқии UNICEF аз моҳи сентябри соли ҷорӣ лоиҳаи «Сулҳ аз мо оғоз меёбад» дар ноҳияи Б.Ғафуров ва шаҳри Исфара оғоз намуд

Public Initiative - a key to development of Tajik VILLAGE

Public organization "Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligents of Tajikistan" in partnership with the Foundation for Education for Democracy (Poland) and the NGO "Khamroz" in February 2015 in the Khatlon region of Tajikistan.

Regions of Activity