Involvement of Organizations of Civil Society in Monitoring


The working meeting of the partners of Cooperation Group

Within the framework of the project “Promotion of civil society participation in implementation and monitoring of development programs in Tajikistan” ACT CA / DFID on the 24, 25, 26 of November 2010 in Chkalovsk town (Sugd region) was held the working meeting of partners of CG with the participation of representatives of MEDT.


Meetings with representatives of partner organizations

On December 2, 3, 4, 2010 in the Kurgantyube and Dushanbe towns were held meetings with the representatives of partner organizations of Dushanbe, Khatlon region and DRS and their Public analysts to assess the project activities under the project ACT CA / DFID « Promotion of civil society participation in implementation and monitoring of development programs in Tajikistan".


Work on collecting a database of partners CG

In early September 2010 the work on collecting database from partners of FG (Facilitation Group) on conducted monitoring of life quality assessment of focus families in the regions of the country had completed.


Seminars for Public Analysts

On July 6, 2010, July 20, 2010 and July 22-23, 2010 trainings on “Key measures of PRS for 2010-2012 years and Basic methods of poverty assessment” were conducted for Public Analysts of 18 partner organizations, united in Support Group working on poverty reduction in different regions of the Republic of Tajikistan.


Meeting of the Assistance Group

On 18 -19 May in Khujand, a working meeting of heads and key employees of the 19 public organizations working in different regions of Tajikistan and the members of Assistance Group on the implementation and monitoring of national development programs.

Regions of Activity