8 feb 2011

Modernization of the education system

Beginning from the 1st of February PO “ASTI” Launched new project “Education modernization to promoting opportunity for women empowerment rise”.

The project will be implemented in Jabbor Rasulov district, Sughd region during 11 months. The project is funded by the Institute for International Cooperation of German Association of Adult Education (dvv international).

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of wives and daughters of labour migrants of Sughd region and improving the quality of their lives by creating condition for vocational education, non – formal training and assistance in strengthening the potential of local authority and self governing bodies in the sphere of adult education.

Other news

27 oct 2016

Встреча по презентации Планов-профилактики проблем безопасности

В рамках проекта «Взаимодействие милиции с общественностью», реализуемого ОО АНТИ в партнерстве с международной организацией Saferworld и при финансовой поддержке Отдела по контролю за наркотиками и охране правопорядка...

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