13 oct 2012

What do we do?

The aim of the program is to promote for further growth and development of the capacity of partner organizations and communities in changing mentality of communities towards rising social activity and independence in solving community problems in creating a culture of civic responsibility, philanthropy and social partnership.

To achieve this goal the staff of the program work in the following areas:

1. Education of the partners, which includes:

  • Strengthening the organizational capacity Mahalla Committees ( further as MC) by raising the educational level of the members of MC in the field of civic education,financial - economic and legal spheres;
  • Strengthening the institutional capacity of MC through the promotion of formalization activity of juridical entity;
  • To change the mentality of the members of MC, and through them the inhabitants of the communities towards rising social participation and independence in solving community problems, in creating a culture of civic responsibility, philanthropy and social partnership;
  • Spreading of ideas and values of philanthropy principles, social partnership and participation;
  • Acquaintance with the principles of social business;

2. Promotion on formation and development of social businesses in MC.

This desire means the creation of objects of small / medium business with the MC, which brings income to the treasury community. Income of the object of social entrepreneurship will be the amount that remains after all mandatory deductions - wages and taxes, including payments to Social Fund. Decision on expenditure of funds for certain social - important goals should be taken at a general mahalla meeting. Such activities, in the absence of a special law on social business is regulated by the Law of the RT "About entrepreneurship" and "About charitable activities”. It is proposed to develop the indicative Regulation on the object of social business, regulating all activities of the object of social business. Assistance in this area includes:

  • Acquaintance with the legislative basis of the object of social enterprises (Law of RT “About charitable activities” and the Law of RT "About entrepreneurship", the Tax Code of RT) and the opportunities that these laws provide to Mahalla Committees;
  • Development of Regulations on the activities of the object of social entrepreneurship;
  • Assistance in the establishment of the object of social business: record keeping, bookkeeping and accounting, human resources procedures, relationships with other agencies and organizations;
  • Assistance in organizing between mahallas mutual fund;
  • Assistance in the organization of social partnership, etc.

3. Support of NGOs, which will make a significant contribution to strengthening the institutional capacity of local NGO, to create a wide range of training modules and manuals on various aspects of development NGO in the Republic of Tajikistan. The main principles of this trend is cyclical, and the two-level learning: the first - an education in a civilian of the training topics and the second - on the socio - economic topics. The last assumes training and management of social business - projects. For NGO partners conducted popular seminars and counseling, provision of technical assistance.

Activities undertaken within the selected areas include:

1. Training cycles, aimed at imparting knowledge and skills needed to enhance civic education and the establishment and successful running of social businesses, including:

  • Raising the level of civic education;
  • Improving skills of NGOs in organization of its activities;
  • Spreading the ideas and values of humanism and participation principles;
  • Increased participation of target groups in NGO programs.

2. Characteristics of social business;

  • Legislative framework for social business activities;
  • The order of creation (perfection) of the object of social business;
  • Business planning;
  • Marketing;
  • Innovation;
  • Organization of industrial production;
  • Processing of fruits and vegetables: canning, drying, production of pastes, powders, juices, etc.);

3. Consulting work, including assistance in:

  • Development of the charters of organizations;
  • Development of office work;
  • Organization contracting activities with various agencies and organizations;
  • Develop business - plans;
  • Accounting and reporting;
  • Conducting marketing activities, etc.

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