6 sep 2013

Exchange of experience between women's clubs

Under the project "Keeping up with the time" implemented by the "Association of scientific and technical intelligentsia of Tajikistan" and Foundation “Education for Democracy”, supported by the Fund of Solidarity in Poland, from 20 to 23 August 2013 four representatives of women’s club of Asht district of Sughd region visited Khatlon region.

They were Tursunova Kandikhon and Turdalieva Ulfat from the Club "Kunduz momo", Umurzokova Fayziniso from the Club "Fayz" and Nazarmatova Nasiba from the Club "Orzu". Representatives of all 10 new women's clubs of the two districts of Khatlon region Bokhtar and Vakhsh had a good opportunity to become better acquainted with their collegues and get information about the approaches and stages of development of women's clubs in the north of the country. They also learned about the difficulties faced by the women of Asht in their work and methods to overcome them. To the opinion of women the program "Exchange of experience" was very important and timely, as at the initial stage of the work it is necessary to know all the details of the clubs and know how to overcome barriers. In September, a return visit of Khatlon women is planned to Sughd region, where 10 leaders will be able to see the work of more experienced colleagues.

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