29 nov 2010

Opportunities for vocational education of adults in poverty reduction

On November 26, 2010 within the framework of the project "Poverty alleviation in Tajikistan through education and non-formal training" in the conference hall of grand hotel “Asia” was held a republican conference on the topic "Opportunities for vocational education of adults in poverty reduction."

Conference was conducted by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Association of Adult Education (dvv international) and public organization "Association of scientific and technical intelligentsia of Tajikistan”.

The representatives of international organizations, Ministries of the Republic of Tajikistan, the stakeholders of the project took part in the conference.

During the conference were presented the results of the project to key stakeholders and communities, donors and Mass Media. Representatives of the pilot vocational schools, jamoats and employers prepared materials about their experiences, difficulties and lessons learned from the project. Also the result of the contest "My best idea for business" was presented.

Also to the participants of conference were distributed methodological materials developed and prepared within the project:

- Theory and practice of adult education and management of educational institutions of primary vocational education;

- Features of organizational forms of learning in institutions of primary vocational education and the use of interactive methods of teaching.

To make effective use of time the participants were divided into sectoral sessions, the following sections:

- Improving the efficiency and availability of the national system of vocational education and retraining:

- Professional self-determination of unemployed as the method of enhancing his competitiveness in the labor market;

- Opportunities for development of adult education in primary vocational education in Tajikistan.

Materials on the use of project experience in other regions of the country will be transferred to the Ministry of Education.

The language of the conference was Tajik and Russian.

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31 jan 2019

Семья без насилия

«Семья без насилия: является ли семейный конфликт насилием? Если в семье возникает конфликт, который порой доходит до рукоприкладства — это есть домашнее насилие? Как с этим нужно бороться?» С такими вопросами начала семинар тренер Негматова Мунира.

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