31 dec 2010

Completed project PATENT

On December 31, 2010 the project "Poverty alleviation in Tajikistan through education and non - formal training" has completed. The project was implemented by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (dvv international) and the Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia of Tajikistan (ASTI).

The project was implemented in Sughd and Khatlon regions of Tajikistan during 24 months. Project was funded jointly by the European Commission and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.

The project was implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, as well as with local authorities, employment services, employers and other social partners.

The aim of the project:

Mitigating the problems of unemployment and poverty by providing access to vocational and technical education (VTE) of the general adult population.

Project Objectives: Increase opportunities for employment and self-employment for unemployed low-income adult population, by increasing the quality of local vocational and technical schools through the provision of modern vocational education, based on the demanded professional skills.

To achieve the objectives of the project were implemented activities that can be grouped into 4 main groups:
I. Activities directly affecting the unskilled adult population: the preparation and conduction of training courses with demanded (including the provision of necessary equipment and materials).


- An important role in attracting unemployed to the courses are regional centers of employment, as well as mahalla committees, jamoats among the population of which was disseminated information about opportunities to receive a specialty in short courses

- In addition partner VET schools actively disseminated information on ongoing short term courses among population

- A large effect in the dissemination of information gave leaflets and booklets on short term courses, as well as informational videos that were broadcasted on local TV channels

- For students, along with the opportunity to obtain specialty, no less attractive is the opportunity to receive scholarships during training

- An analysis of the labor market and needs assessment in training in 9 cities and districts of two regions among more than 270 enterprises of different ownership forms, and 540 people was conducted

- Based on the labor market analysis and needs assessment in training were identified the following specialties for organization of short term courses in all 10 targeted VET schools on such professions as:

1. Seamstress sewing light women clothing third category;

2. Accountant with knowledge of computer;

3. Electro – gas welder third category;

4. Electrician on repair and maintenance of electrical equipment up to 1000V third category.

- In the 10 partner VET schools till the 31st of December 2010 were organized 100 short-term courses in selected specialties, in which were trained 2002 unemployed students

- 10 partner VET schools are equipped with necessary techniques to conduct short term courses on selected professions totaling more than 70,000 euros;

- Provided visual aids, literature, as well as spare parts for equipments worth over 6000 euros.

Developed syllabus (DACUM):

- Educational programs and curricula are developed for four professions with the participation of representatives of VET schools and employers

- Educational programs and curricula approved by the Ministry of Education

- Methodological manual on management of VET schools and adult education with modern teaching methods are developed
II. Activities that will contribute to strengthening the VET system in general: training courses for administrative and teaching staff of 10 VET schools, development of manuals on modern teaching methods and management.


- An organizational workshop for planning the project activities in order to develop a detailed plan of action and structure of cooperation involving 40 people

- To coordinate the project activities was organized Local Committee comprised of representatives from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Employment, employers to identify strategies and implementation the project, consideration of various aspects of cooperation

- Directors and Deputy Directors of 10 VET schools passed training on management of professional training. Training was conducted by experienced trainers from Europe and the Russian Federation

- In order to improve the quality of the theoretical and practical lessons were organized exchange visits of vocational school teachers of the two regions

- Organized and conducted trainings on fight against unemployment for 90 local stakeholders on the following topics:

- Social Business as a tool to reduce poverty in the regions

- Organization of micro-and mini-plants for processing agricultural products and providing services

- Social partnership as a guarantee of employment

- To get acquaintance with the system of vocational education of Germany, the experience of social partnership and the organization of career guidance in schools, 16 representatives of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, vocational schools, local authorities and project staff within 9 days visited vocational colleges and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education, Chamber of Commerce, employment agencies, industrial enterprises of Germany.

- 60 teachers were trained on trainings, in which they were familiar with interactive methods of adult teaching, advice and guidance of experienced trainers on their usage

- Staff trained in electronic accounting system "1C: Enterprise", qualitatively teach students of short term courses "Accountant with knowledge of computer"

- Representatives of 10 VET schools participated in these seminars. Totally 32 people attended the seminars/
III. Activities related to the creation of advisory services for the population of the region: business planning and training, vocational guidance for school graduates.


- 121 Representative of VET schools and local authorities have received information on methods of work of the vocational orientation of youth

- Created advisory bureau on establishment of business in which more than 250 people received consultation on writing business plans, legal and economic aspects of establishment of small business

- Organized seminars on writing a business plan for more than 340 students

- To inform and involve key local partners was held eight regional roundtables per each target region. Roundtable participants were about 200 representatives of local authorities, mahalla committees, women's councils, employment centers, employers, VET schools, mass media, who were informed about the project, its aims and objectives

- Created advisory boards in all 10 VET schools that promote networking of VET schools with local communities and employers
IV. Activities that will help improve the image of the updated VET system in Tajik society.


- Designed the logo of the project that is posted on all the informational booklets, posters, invitations, nameboards, banners, project machines and other equipment that was purchased under the project.

- For all 10 target VET schools were developed brochures that include information for those wishing to train in short term courses.

- Ongoing project activities were covered as in the pages of national and local newspapers and on the channels of national and local television

- To attract the unemployed to the courses was designed and shot a reel about short-term courses conducted in the target VET schools

- In order to promote the idea of adult education in Tajikistan in two regions were held three talk-show programs on various topics. These programs were broadcasted on regional and local TV

- Prepared a documentary film on the topic: “Long life learning”

- Information about all implemented project activities were posted on the site of PO “ASTI”, besides it the Ministry of Education of RT also provides an opportunity to post information about project activities at the site of the Ministry

- In all partner VET schools were conducted actions on promotion of healthy lifestyle and other topics, which covered about 5000 people

- To inform school leavers about the possibilities of receiving the profession in VET schools were designed banners that contain information about VET schools in the regions and professions. These banners were distributed to schools located near VET schools.

- To interest high school graduates to specialties were organized excursions for school children to plants, meeting with employers, students and graduates of VET schools, who talked about their achievements

- In all 10 VET schools was held vocational guidance fairy involving more than 62 000 local people

- Organized the contest "My best business idea" among the students of short term courses where over 60 students took part with their business ideas. Eight contestants became the winners and were awarded with small grants of 500 euros.

On November 26, was held final conference on the theme "Opportunities for vocational education of adult in poverty reduction" in the Conference hall of Grand Hotel "Asia" with the participation of stakeholders

By the completion of this project will be written final report on the results of the project.

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