15 nov 2010

Meeting with the youth of Khojai Alo village at school № 24

On November 12, another meeting was held with the youth of Khojai Alo village at school № 24. As a result of the meeting on safety employees of project wanted to make sure that participants fully understand the process of communities’ security.

The facilitator - a project employee provided information about the project goals and objectives, and the purpose of the meeting.

Further, a question was asked using the method of brainstorming: "What problems do you see in your community that threaten your personal safety?", "What do you mean by security?". All the participants responded the questions and made ​​a list of problems.

The meeting had passed in a good level; young people participated actively in the definition of personal security and community safety.

Other news

25 jul 2017


Сегодня, 25 июля 2017 года в Б.Гафуровском районе прошел первый круглый стол «Основные направления совместной деятельности государственных и общественных организаций по реформе органов гражданской регистрации» с участием представителей ИОГВ района, сотрудников ЗАГС, представителей всех джамоатов Б.Гафуровского района.

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