11 mar 2022

To raise awareness and gender sensitivity on issues of gender-based

To raise awareness and gender sensitivity on issues of gender-based violence in the family, in February 2022 a number of information sessions were organized and carried out with the population in the target areas of the project. The facilitators conducted these meetings using interactive methods.
This event is held by PO "ASTI" with the support of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe

Other news

14 dec 2021

Two-days training for lawyers in Gisar

PO ASTI delivers two-days training for lawyers in Gisar on providing victims of violence with legal concealing within the framework of the project “To build the capacity and increase the gender sensitivity of Judges

25 mar 2021

Courses on sewing

Courses on sewing are held within the framework of the project "Supporting and Strengthening the Women's Resource Centers" in jamoat Isfisor of Bobojon Gafurov district.

Regions of Activity