12 oct 2021

The status of women in society

“It is not enough to talk about the greatness of a woman and her status in society many times and over the years. Because a woman is a goddess in whose shells the most precious pearls of mankind are made and perfected. The greatest of the urafa and ulama, leaders and personalities, whose strength and power are embodied in the world, were born of a woman and raised in her womb, ”said the staff of the PO  “ASTI ". The seminar was held on October 12, 2021 in the secondary school №36, Isfisor jamoat, Bobojon Gafurov district on the topic "The status of women in society." The purpose of this seminar is to raise awareness of youth and adolescents about the role of women in modern life. During the workshop, project facilitators conducted interactive group work and games with participants. Participants actively participated and learned and discussed the role of women in today's society, women-mothers, women's education.
This event is held by PO "ASTI" in the framework of the project "Women's Resource Center" with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Dushanbe.

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20 jun 2017

Бизнес-чайхана 2017

Радуемся вместе с нашими ребятами! Фариштамох, девушка из Исфары, представившая свой бизнес-план была в числе лучших на Бизнес-чайхане 2017. Она также является активным членом Контактной Группы Молодежи в селе Хочаи Аъло (Чоркух, Исфара)

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