7 jul 2014

Training “Effective management of the organization”

From 7 to 9 June 2014 in Khujand town, for employees of PO “Association of scientific and technical intelligentsia of Tajikistan” was held 3 - day training on “Effective management of the organization”. This training was conducted by trainers of the Polish organization “Managerial Initiatives Foundation” under the project “Development of NGOs in Tajikistan and effective local administration – ways to the civil society”.

The project is co-funded within the framework of “Polish cooperation for the development” program of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The project is co-funded within the framework of “Polish cooperation for the development” program of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

Other news

24 jun 2022

Summing up the project - Round table in Dushanbe

On June 22, 2022 in the city of Dushanbe of PO "ANTI" in cooperation with the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan held a round table, uniting more than 40 representatives of counteracting violence in the Republic of Tajikistan, including partners and executors of the project within the framework the Initiative "Spotlight".

15 jul 2020

Очередная встреча с населением джамоатов Шахрак и Хайдар Усмон

Очередная встреча с населением джамоатов Шахрак и Хайдар Усмон, Бабаджан Гафуровского района провели сотрудники проекта ЖРЦ. Фасилитаторы обсудили злободневную тему «Пандемия, одна из причин роста домашнего насилия».

Regions of Activity