12 jan 2010

Support of SME - specialized and integrated extension services

Project is funding by European Union through INGO HILFSWERK AUSTRIA in partnership with Public Organization Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia of Tajikistan (ASTI).

 Aim of the project - Promotion to strengthen agribusiness intermediaries in Sughd and Khatlon provinces of Tajikistan, to introduce new innovative business ideas and improve services rendered to SME and startups active in the food processing and packing sector.


- Potential increase and development of organized structure of local partners (ASTI, NADF)

- Formation of two Educational enterprises on produce processing (model - Business Incubator) 

- Introduction of innovation business concepts (franchise, production distribution associations, flexible and efficient finance models of crediting ) for modernization of micro enterprises 

- Establishment close collaboration wth trade representatives Austria and other European and Central Asian countries 


- ASTI - Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia 

- Local NGO "Ghamhori" member of ASTI in the network of the project

- NADF - National Association of Dekhan Farms 

- NABWT - National Association of Business Women of Tajikistan

Other news

5 oct 2020

«Счастье», «Чистые руки - чистое сердце», «Дружба», «Миру мир»

21-го сентября во всем мире отмечался Международный День Мира. Школьники общеобразовательных учреждений № 25 и №47 Джамоата Чорку г. Исфары имели возможность отразить свои мысли на баннере на тему: «Что означает слово «Мир».

23 jan 2019

Regular monthly meeting of CBRWs was held

Within the framework of the project “Supporting civil society in applying Community Based Rehabilitation for persons with disabilities in Ayni district”, which is funded by the European Union and Caritas Germany the pull of community based rehabilitation workers ....

Regions of Activity