10 oct 2015

The next two consultations were provided by the club "RUSHNOI" in early October

The next two consultations were provided by the club "RUSHNOI" in early October. The program was aimed at counseling women visiting artisans in the destination club to improve the quality and promotion of craft and sewing products produced by them. Conducting master classes for working with fashion magazines, fashion, construction of women's trousers, women's jacket manufacturing technology. During the Shokirov Dilbar, Mirzoyev Bargigul, Zarnigor, Busby, Gulchehra, Nozurbi and Kurbongul presented works created by the hands of skilled workers club, they have shown their works in various media: karokduzi (patchwork), gulduzi (Embroidery) and machine embroidery. Women also showed almost finished products in the technique of patchwork, which took over the club to order.

It consisted of several parts of national dress and women's trousers. Further questions were raised purchases of raw materials and product quality, and design new forms of handicraft production and marketing of finished products. All of the meeting began with the traditional question for artisans - who are your potential customers from taking raw materials and how and where you sell your products. During the observation, it was noted that the drawings all artisans are almost identical and differ only regionally and thread color tones. The quality of the finished product is not bad. During the meeting the women were introduced to the club Orzu sewing process technology as the women's, men's, children's and arts and interior products. Were submitted ideas for new schemes and patterns for embroidery handmade handed out photos from magazines and newspapers with new ideas in home decor (clutches, bags, pillowcases, cosmetics, etc.)

On the first day of the visit was held a master class on making the construction of patterns of women's trousers. To this end, measurements were taken on the leader of the club, and it was made an example of template trousers. From the removal of measures so ready patterns. On the second visit at the request of Bargigul were bought fabric, applied materials and supplies for sewing women's jacket, training materials to work with magazine Burda. Also, women have been involved for the removal of pieces from the magazine for cutting to work with iron and to collect items to fitting. After trying on a jacket for women collected brigade method ie operation by operation. (someone ironed, sewed someone who is pasted and so on. The most active of the women were Dilbar and Bargigul.

The Project co-financed by the Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland..

Other news

5 sep 2017

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5 apr 2021

Завершились тренинги по программе «UPSHIFT»

Завершились тренинги по программе «UPSHIFT» в 6 целевых регионах в рамках проекта «Навыки 21 века для перехода в самостоятельную жизнь» (Skills for future and transition to work life), при поддержки ЮНИСЕФ Таджикистан.

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