24 jan 2015

Women's club of Dugonaho

Dugonaho: we rented a studio in order sewing machines were in a safety

In the women's club of Dugonaho sewing machines work in full swing - the club conducts a workshop and constantly striving to professionalization. The leader of the club, Olufta Kholova says that initially they were working in the village of Mehnatobod. Since there was not a safe place to store cars, they decided to rent space in the area of Bohtar in which we meet. In August, they adapted the room to fit your needs, and starting in September they are meeting there and working.

As part of this year implemented a project Safarmoh Juraboev and Khaticha Ermatova participated in the 10-day course of sewing. They learned to sew skirts, jackets, pants, work on the machine to the computer embroidery and stitching linens. The project they spent sewing classes for the rest of the women in the club. The course was held in the summer in the village of Mehnatobod. Women work on their own cars, only one (for computer embroidery) is removed.

The resulting skills are already being applied in practice. Gulhumor Khaidarova says: "My husband even offers to send our youngest daughter to kindergarten, so I could work and earn money. I used to sit at home and could not work. "Shakhnoza, in turn, who participated in the courses held Safarmoh Khaticha and teaches regular girls.

Last month, in the club has studied 17 students, now 7. Each person pays 50 Somoni per month of study; these funds club pays the workroom, and what will be transferred to the foundation of the club. At this point in the club 10 sewing machines purchased as part of our two projects - they are all in the new premises of the club.

Marhabo is one of the students of Shahnoza, and said: "We were told that the club operates a sewing workshop - I myself live in another village, but I learned from the family (my grandmother here). To get on the course, I need 20 minutes one way. Thanks to the new skills I was able to earn their own money. The dress that I'm wearing, I also sewed myself and embroidered with beads. We learn on Saturday 4 hours, from 8 to 12. At home I also have a sewing machine, and on it I sew things with the order of my village population. I already knew how to sew dresses, and here I learned to embroider. "

Olufta is the leader of the club, adding that after 12 o’clock their second shift at the club and learn to sew another group of girls. Some of them are present at the meeting - we have a chance to make sure that the club managed to gather a lot of young girls.

The club operates as a group, which is engaged in knitting - 4 people meet in the house of Khaticha. Marital status does not allow them to attend every day a new clubhouse. As Khaticha said besides knitting they involved in vegetable production, so in the future they would like to have a greenhouse. About the cows they do not yet think.

Olufta went on a visit to Sughd in northern Tajikistan to share experiences with existing there for several years the women's club. In the club Faiz she liked sewing machine for handkerchiefs. Women would like to use the facilities, but it is such a waste exceeds their capabilities. One of the residents of the village has a car, but for the use of it requires the owner of 150 Somoni per month. Thus, the vehicle can only dream about.

Natalia Kertychak

The Project co-financed by the Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.



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