11 oct 2003

Exit from poverty: search and prospects (2003)

What is a poor family in Tajikistan, can it see a way out from poverty, and how NGOs can improve the quality of life of a poor family. Here is a partial list of questions for which we would like to get answers.

Several years ago, the purpose of our study was elucidation of the regularities of the family impoverishment process and formation of a strategy aimed at slowing the pace of poverty.

Today, in the proposed report, we present the final results of the practical realization of a way out of poverty, which formed the basis of a three-year pilot project "structural change in the situation of the poor", implemented by ASTI. In this report, you can read about the ANTI development programs, the results of their impact on the mitigation of the poor, recent changes of socio-economic status and psychological status of the poor during the three years of the project.

Analysis of the organization activity allowed us to determine the reasons for the higher demand of commercial lending, compared with the money, passivity of 1 / 5 part of the target group, a high demand of the training program, the need to shift its focus from logistics to human development in the social programs and programs supporting the rural poor inhabitants. The analysis showed that the problem has to be solved by acting simultaneously at both the macro and micro level.

At the macro level it is planned to implement the program for promoting the interests of the poor and protection of the rights of the disadvantaged, and at the micro level - the implementation of the training, microfinancial programs and programs to support community initiatives and rural development.

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31 jan 2019

Семья без насилия

«Семья без насилия: является ли семейный конфликт насилием? Если в семье возникает конфликт, который порой доходит до рукоприкладства — это есть домашнее насилие? Как с этим нужно бороться?» С такими вопросами начала семинар тренер Негматова Мунира.

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