14 feb 2020

Upbringing begins in the family

Today, the facilitators of WRC held a meeting in Khaidar Usmon jamoat of B. Gafurov district with local residents. The theme "how upbringing affects the creation of children's future family without violence" was chosen for discussion. As it has been stated children are the mirrors of their family. Despite individual characteristics, the nature of the family is reflected in children. The participants gave real examples of those people who grew up in need and hardship, overwhelming concerns; who grew up in the anger of parents, in families where there was a place of violence. After all, a child sees everything: good, bad, honesty, negative attitudes...
The participants proposed, in order to prevent domestic violence, first of all, one needs to start with himself/herself and pay attention to raising their children in healthy and friendly atmosphere...
This event is organized by PO "ASTI" within the framework of the project "Women's Resource Center" with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Dushanbe.

Other news

14 jun 2010

Joint project of Safeworld and PO ASTI

“Preventing conflict through a participatory approach to the safety of border communities in the Ferghana Valley”. PO "ASTI" in partnership with the “Foundation for Tolerance International” and international organization «Saferworld» from June 2010 during 10 months are implementing the project “Preventing conflict through a participatory approach to the safety of border communities in the Ferghana Valley”.

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