24 may 2018

Study tour to Devashtich district

Within the framework of the Project on supporting civil society in applying community based rehabilitation for people with disabilities in Ayni district, which is funded by the European Union and Caritas Germany and implemented jointly with the Local Government Authority of Ayni district and Public Organizations “ASTI” and “DARO”, a three-day (22-24 May, 2018) study tour to Devashtich district was organized for a group of 10 people that included representatives of Ayni district’s Local Government Authority, Education Department and Primary Health Care, and community rehabilitation workers.During the study tour, the participants learned about the approaches applied by Public Organization “Maksad” in the implementation of Community-Based Rehabilitation Project, and the performance of and case management by Community Rehabilitation Workers. The Ayni team also visited the disabled people oriented assistive devices workshop, mother and child rooms, health centers, rehabilitation rooms, social assistance centers and kindergartens where familiarized themselves with their activities in providing social, rehabilitation and health care services to neglected and disabled people. The main goal of the study tour was to learn the best practices on community-based rehabilitation and apply them in Ayni district.

Other news

8 aug 2017

Фаъолияти ҷомеаҳои наздисарҳадӣ беҳтар мегарданд

Санаи 8 августи соли равон дар шаҳри Исфара бо мақсади баланд бардоштани малака ва маҳорати сокинони ҷавони ноҳияҳои наздисарҳадии Тоҷикистон баҳри эътиқод ва сулҳ дар ҷомеаҳои минтақаҳои мазкур, семинар баргузор гардид.

29 sep 2022

Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence

On 27 September 2022 in the city of Khujand, in hostel No. 1, an information meeting was held on the topic “Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence”. During the event, participants discussed the topic of violence, types of violence and the law on the prevention of domestic violence. Also, girls were aware of their rights and the law on prevention of domestic violence. This event is held by PO “ASTI” with the support of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe.

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