28 oct 2010

TV Talk Show

Within the framework of the project "Poverty alleviation in Tajikistan through education and non - formal training" funded by the European Commission held TV talk show on the theme "Obtaining working profession – require of contemporary life"

Participants of the talk show were representatives of the Department of Education, the Department of youth, sport and tourism, Department of agency of social protection, protection of population and labor migration of Sugd region.

In this talk show the following issues were discussed: "Is obtaining of a working profession requirement of contemporary life?", "Where do people go to get a work specialty?", "Are there conditions in institutions of primary vocational education for working profession?" and etc.

Talk show was shot in regional TV “TV Sughd”, broadcasting was on the 27th of October.

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Лагерь «Шохин», г.Гулистон.

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