6 feb 2019

Preparation to the spring work in the garden

Within the framework of the project “Supporting civil society in applying Community Based Rehabilitation for persons with disabilities in Ayni district”, implemented in partnership with the Branch of the German Caritas Association in Tajikistan and with financial support of the European Union the first training among the series of trainings was conducted for young people from jamoats of Ayni including people with disabilities on training in agro technology: land management, trees trimming, fruit drying.

The training participants from jamoats Urmetan and Dar-Dar during three days from 4th till 6th of February, 2019 were discussing new technologies of land management and watering, received the information on which fertilizers should use to get a high yield, when and how to conduct trimming. During practical sessions, they could apply obtained knowledge.

This training was held within the framework of the project on “Supporting civil society in applying Community Based Rehabilitation for persons with disabilities in Ayni district”, which is funded by the European Union and Caritas Germany and implemented with support of Local Government Authority of Ayni district and in close partnership with public organizations “ASTI” and “DARO”.

Other news

13 jul 2017

Мо гуногун ҳастем, аммо як ҳадаф дорем

Тренинги мазкур, санаи 13 июли соли равон дар шаҳри Хуҷанд дар доираи лоиҳаи "Тақвияти ҳамкории ҷавонон дар ноҳияҳои наздисарҳадии Тоҷикистону Қирғизистон" бо маблағгузории Барномаи рушди СММ дар Тоҷикистон, ки аз тарафи Ассотсиатсияи зиёиёни илмӣ-техникии Тоҷикистон амалӣ мешавад, баргузор гардид.

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