7 jun 2014

Sewing courses - as a guarantee of increasing the capacity of women

Under the project “Power of women in women's clubs. Transfer of experience from north to south of Tajikistan” on the basis of “Adult education center” of Kurgan-tube for 24 women of women’s clubs of Khatlon region sewing courses were organized in two stages, from 15.05 to 26.05.2014, and from 29.05 to 07.06.2014. During 10 days participants were trained on the 72-hour program, which was drafted and approved by “Adult education center”.

Participants of the course taught 7 hours a day. The program included both theoretical and practical sessions. From the first days of training all the participants of the course treated the lessons seriously. They have developed their own rules, schedule of duties, which had to follow during the course, as well as they chose leader of the group, who was responsible for the organizational aspects of the course. 

The learning process took place efficiently. Every day participants received new knowledge. Teacher Nazhmudinova Kh. was very demanding with respect to students. Such relationships gave positive results. Many participants worked on the sewing machine “Chaika” for the first time, which performs several functions. In addition to these sewing machines, participants familiarized with the latest technology and modernity, a sewing machine “Janome” with a computer system. 

Yunusov Sitora member of club “Orzu” opined the following about courses: “Thanks to these courses I learned to sew on a sewing machine “Chaika” brand, before I sewed on a manual sewing machine, which performs one function”. Saidrahmonova Muhtarama said: “In these courses we learned a lot on the technology and qualification of sewing skill. I would like these courses to be continued for more practical development of sewing skills”.

Upon graduation exams held for the participants of the course. All course participants reacted responsibly to the exam. All participants of the course were assessed perfectly.

The Project co-financed by the Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

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27 jul 2018

Практические тренинги

С 16 по 28.07.2018 года в районе Восе и Муминобаде Хатлонской области по программе Европейского Союза “Центральная Азия – Инвест IV” в рамках проекта «Усовершенствованная программа поддержки бизнес посреднических организаций – специализированные и комплексные услуги для экспортно - ориентированных малых средних предприятий в перерабатывающем секторе».

Regions of Activity