29 aug 2011

Round tables on “Youth radicalism, reasons and factors”

Within the framework of the project “Mainstreaming youth policy against radicalism” (MYPAR) funded by the European Commission round tables were held on “Youth radicalism, reasons and factors”. These round tables were carried out in six target communities of B. Gafurov and Asht districts. The participants of the round table were representatives of local authorities, law enforcement agencies, heads of local communities, religious leaders, NGOs, school principals, teachers, and members of target youth groups.

The purpose of the meetings: to integrate youth groups in the socio-political life of society through dialogue with government departments and agencies, local authorities, representatives of the departments of education, as well as religious leaders to prevent the growth of radicalism among young people.

During these roundtables were shown a film Sigita Barmatov “Osama”, filmed in Afghanistan in 2003, about the struggle of women for their natural rights against the Taliban. Participants discussed the main issues of preventing radicalization and extremism among young people and youth participation in the political life of society.


In addition, the parties agreed specific proposals that have been taken into account by the representatives of the local authorities. 

In particular, the following suggestions were offered:

 • Pay attention to the development of sport

• Establish a reading club

• Organize sewing circles for girls

• Organize short-term courses for children

• Conduct mini-seminars for students during educational hours in Kamishkurgan jamoat.

Other news

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Ғояҳои мазкур, ҳанӯз дар истироҳатгоҳи фаромарзии серӯза, ки дар моҳи май доир шуда буд, ба нақша-чорабиниҳои мавҷуда зам гардиданд. Дар доираи нақша баргузории шанбегӣ, намоишномаи аксҳо ва саёҳат ба ҷойҳои таърихии Хуҷанд низ дар назар дошта шудааст.

16 feb 2022

Social audit training

Ташкил ва гузаронидани ҳисоботдиҳии иҷтимоӣ барои ҷомеаҳои баҳрагиранда имконият фароҳам меоварад, ки ҳисобот доир ба пешрафт, мушкилот ва ахбори молиявӣ дар доираи лоиҳа пешниҳод карда шаванд.

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