1 oct 2009

Information meetings in target jamoats

Conducting of the third informational meeting in the 4-target jamoats:

- Shaydon

- Oshoba

- Kamysh – Kurgan

- Kirk – Kuduk

Four informational meetings have been conducted in 4-target jamoats, where the ASTI project coordinator- Tyuryaev J.A made a welcoming speech and provided with information on the implementation of project activities for the current period.

Then, Rakhimova B.F., a member of the group of Assistance in the monitoring and implementation of PRS and NNDS made a speech. Rakhimova B.F, specialist for PRS and NNDS programs, has provided with information on the implementation of PRS and NNDS program. The meeting was very interesting, because it was conducted with an interactive method (see Protocol № 8).

Also Chairs of МC and representatives of МОV made speeches and told about trainings, which were conducted as by local as by international trainers in which they participated.

1. Mapping of families

2. Incomes and expenses of a family

3. Monitoring by senior citizens

The result of conducting of current meetings is:

- Dissemination of information about the PRS and NNDS programs

- Information on the implementation of the project activities among senior citizens and members of AP/MSC groups of Asht district.

Other news

28 apr 2017

Tajik youth had a trip to Maksad

Today in the school of Maksad jamoat, KR the Festival of friendship of the inhabitants of the bordering villages was held: Ovchi - kalacha and Maksad. The event was held by the Public Foundation for International Tolerance in Kyrgyzstan in partnership with the Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia of Tajikistan with the support of the United Nations Development Program in the framework of the project Strengthening cooperation between the youth of the border communities of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan”.

Regions of Activity