30 jun 2014

Examinations on “Sewing” and “Accountant with computer knowledge”

Within the framework of the project “Promotion of rural inhabitants’ opportunities through participation and education for life” (PROPEL) on June 14, 2014 students of the course on “Sewing” specialty passed the exam. All girls and women were very well prepared for the exam. It was clear from the dresses made by listeners of the course. Participants of the course were very well prepared on the theoretical part. They answered any questions of the examiners. 

After the exam teacher of the course Rayimberdieva Marguba announced marks of listeners, and the listeners in their turn thanked the organizers and the instructor of the course.
On June 30, 2014 within the framework of this project the listeners of the course “Accountant with computer knowledge” passed the exam. The exam went well. Listeners showed their knowledge and on accounting and on computer work.

Other news

5 apr 2021

Завершились тренинги по программе «UPSHIFT»

Завершились тренинги по программе «UPSHIFT» в 6 целевых регионах в рамках проекта «Навыки 21 века для перехода в самостоятельную жизнь» (Skills for future and transition to work life), при поддержки ЮНИСЕФ Таджикистан.

23 dec 2020

Семинар на тему "Гендерное (не)равенство в семье

Был проведен семинар на тему "Гендерное (не)равенство в семье. Гендерные стереотипы" в общеобразовательной школе #32 в джамоате Шахрак, Бобочон Гафуровского района для мальчиков 11 классов.

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