15 nov 2010

Meeting with work teams № 2 of Khoja Alo village

On November 12, a meeting was held with the workers of brigade № 2 of Khojai - Alo village.

Due to the fact that it was the harvest season and many residents worked in the rice field, the meeting was held in the rice field. The aim of the meeting was to know the opinion of the local adults on their personal safety and security of the local community to identify and characterize the problems related to the safety of population.

At the beginning of the meeting, after acquaintance with the participants of the meeting, brief information was given about the project, the work done and planned steps.

Further, the participants were asked the question with the method of brainstorming concerning the safety of population in the community. All participants expressed their views on the question.

Other news

11 may 2017

A “sweet” trip of Kyrgyz youth to Tajikistan

The members of the youth contact group of Samarkandek village of Kyrgyzstan came to Khujand in the second half of the day to familiarize themselves with the activities of Sughd region entrepreneurs. They were joined by 23 of their peers from Chorku jamoat in Isfara.

9 jun 2012

Семинар для представителей младшего состава правоохранительных органов

В рамках проекта Безопасность сообществ в Ферганской Долине, реализуемого ОО АНТИ (РТ) совместно с МО Saferworld (Великобритания), ОФ Фонд за международную толерантность (КР) и ОО Молодежные инициативы развития (РТ), 2-3 июня 2014 года в г. Оше КР был организован семинар для представителей младшего состава правоохранительных органов( начальники ПОМ, ООП, участковые инспектора и инспектора по делам несовершеннолетних) целевых сообществ Исфаринского, Аштского, Дж.Расуловского районов РТ и Баткенской, Ошской и Джалалабадской областей КР по обмену опытом по вопросам решения проблем безопасности в сотрудничестве с населением.

Regions of Activity