15 oct 2012

Discussion of Central Asia integration into the world trade

The two-day conference dedicated to the integration of the Central Asian countries in world trade, started today in northern Tajikistan, on the coast of Kairakkum reservoir, in the sanatorium “Bakhoriston”.

This event is organized by the Austrian international organization Hilfswerk Austria International in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ (Program on promoting regional economic cooperation in Central Asia) and the administration of the Free economic zone “Sughd” within the project “Integrated approach towards promoting Central Asian SMEs processing nuts, dried fruits and honey”, funded by the European Union.

As reported by "AP" in the representation of the European Union for Tajikistan, the purpose of the conference is to discuss the mechanism for the development of the Central Asian Economic Cooperation. Parallel to this attention will also be paid to the harmonization of national legislation with international norms and rules.

It is expected that the conference will be attended by the employees of relevant government agencies, representatives of the private sector, international and local organizations.

The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition of food products produced by local producers of fruits and vegetables. 

Other news

5 aug 2017

Лагери маърифатии ҷавонони деҳаҳои Сомониёну Кок-Тош ба анҷом расид

Анҷоми лагер боиси оғози таҳкими ҳамкориҳои муштараки ҷавонони ду деҳаҳои наздисарҳадии ҳамсоякишвар гардид, зеро дар поёни он иштирокчиён кӯшиданд, баҳри ташкили майдон барои муоширати дӯстона ва таҳияи як қатор чорабиниҳои муштарак саҳми худро гузоранд. Аз ҷумла, дар шаш гурӯҳҳо нақша-чорабиниҳои худро омода намуданд, ки аз он се ададаш дар деҳаи Сомониён аз ҷониби гурӯҳи сокинони ҷавони ташаббускор ва сеи дигараш дар Кок-Тош аз тарафи ҳамсолони онҳо доир мешаванд.

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