26 mar 2014

Training "Preparing for consultations, supporting the development of women's clubs with the use of active methods"

In the framework of the project "Power of Women in women’s club. Transfer of experience from the north to the south” from March 23 to 27 for women of women’s clubsa training was held on " Preparing for consultations, supporting the development of women's clubs with the use of active methods” in the sanatorium Bakhoriston of Sughd region.

Number of training participants: 11 women, nine of whom are members of women’s clubs fromSughd region. The seminar is also attended by the employee of the partner organization "Hamroz" of Khatlon region.

The Project co-financed by the Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

Other news

24 apr 2015

Seminar on "From challenges to the project"

The two-day seminar on the theme "From challenges to the project" opens a series of workshops to be implemented within the project "Public Initiative - the key to the development of Tajik villages.

18 aug 2020

Встреча с Министром образования и науки республики Таджикистан

Сегодня в рамках «Продвижение качественного, инклюзивного образования для всех на протяжении всей жизни» состоялась встреча членов Инициативной группы по продвижению качественного образования для всех на протяжении всей жизни с Министром образования и науки республики Таджикистан - Имомзода Мухаммадюсуф Сайдали.

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