24 jan 2019

Opening of Mother and child room

Within the framework of the project “Supporting civil society in applying Community Based Rehabilitation for persons with disabilities in Ayni district”, which is funded by the European Union and Caritas Germany an official opening of Mother and child room in Ayni jamoat took place.

 On January 24, 2019 with the participation of the representatives of Khukumat of Ayni, education department, departments of social defense, social support at home, parents of disabled children there was held the official opening of Mother and child room, training hall and point of community based rehabilitation (CBR-point) in jamoat of Ayni.  All three rooms were repaired and supplied with necessary furniture and equipment. 

Guests could see the work of Play Group for children with disability in the Mother and child room, meetings of which are conducted weekly by trained animator. Informational booklets on technical assistive devices, nutrition of a child, stages of child’s development and etc, were offered for the participants. It is necessary to note that in Ayni there have been opened 12 Mother and child room and 10 CBR-points. 

This official opening was held within the framework of the project “Supporting civil society in applying Community Based Rehabilitation for persons with disabilities in Ayni district”, which is funded by the European Union and Caritas Germany and implemented with support of Local Government Authority of Ayni district and in close partnership with public organizations “ASTI” and “DARO”.

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