4 jun 2009

Training of local trainers

Training of local trainers (training of trainers) on methodologies on promoting their rights, family mapping and older citizens’ monitoring.

A three-day training has conducted in jamoat Shaidon for members of groups PA\OCM of 4 target jamoat for and representatives of local authorities of Asht District:

- Older citizens’ monitoring;

- Rights Promotion;

- Family mapping.

The training took place in the small hall of jamoat Shaydon. The first day of training began with the introductory, introduction of participants, participants' expectations from the upcoming training, setting goals.

During the day, participants were provided with theoretical information on family mapping, and in practice, participants learned the information.

Participated and made sppech the representatives of the center «Babushka Adoption». Rahmanov A – the director of the center has provided information on the activities of the center and shared experience. Also, the representative Older Citizens Group «Kurban Ait» - Jalilova Zinnatoy made speech and provided information about the activities of the group and on the experiences of the monitoring of vulnerable populations, and a discussion was held with the participants.

A work in small groups by definition of the family expenses and incomes and monitoring conducted.

It may be noted that the participants have the concept of monitoring. According to the results of the ТДТ have been developed Guidelines for the training. Participants ТДТ on methodologies ASTI and HAI obtained new skills and knowledge on the involvement and participation of wider groups of the rural population in monitoring the implementation of national programs (such as NDS and PRS) and the provision of services on social protection, health care for vulnerable populations.

In order to familiarize groups of PA/OCM with the concepts of mapping, Older citizens’ monitoring and the further application of this method in practice, practical sessions were held in 4 target jamoats.

Practical work with the target groups aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of participants in the use of visual methods in the upcoming involvement in the process of monitoring and collecting information on households with older people as well as the quality of social services.

The results of this work are:

- Maps of jamoats have prepared

- 7 Mahallas and part of household have selected

- Identified the problem of older people, living in jamoat and made them prioritize 

- skills on documenting / recording the information in carrying out the method of mapping have given

Other news

26 jan 2012

Women and religion

On January 26-27 a training “Women and religion” will be held in Osh. This is the second event on study of basics of religious processes which is conducted specifically for the representatives of the organizations- members of the Network “Dolina Mira”.

11 jan 2011

Mainstreaming of Youth Policy Against Radicalism

Within the framework of the program of European Commission from December 2010 launched new project “Mainstreaming of Youth Policy Against Radicalism” (MYPAR). The project will be implemented in Sughd region of Tajikistan during 18 months.

Regions of Activity