20 jan 2022

Police on guard...

PO ASTI conducted two-days training for policemen of Vose district, Khatlon region on providing victims of violence with legal concealing within the framework of the project “To build the capacity and increase the gender sensitivity of Judges, Police Officers and state legal aid lawyers for more effective investigation, prosecution and adjudication of SGBV related cases". The project is part of the Spotlight Initiative, which aims to end all forms of violence against women and girls by 2030, as part of a multi-year global partnership between the European Union and the United Nations.

Other news

22 apr 2021

Ранее замужество и помолвка

21-го апреля, 2021 года в джамоате Хайдар Усмон Б .Гафуровского района была проведена информационная встреча на тему «Ранее замужество и помолвка».

25 jul 2017

Варзиш қосиди сулҳ аст

Имрӯз давраи ниҳоии мусобиқаи варзишӣ оид ба бокс 40 нафар беҳтаринҳоро аз ҷамоати Хистеварзи Тоҷикистон ва деҳаҳои Арқа ва Борбордуки Қирғизистон муайян кард.

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