18 mar 2009

Information meetings in target jamoats

The first information meeting have conducted in Jamoat Shaidon of Asht DC.

During the meeting presentation of project activity have done by J.Tyuryaev, in which he in detail told about project activity, which would implement in Asht DC during 18 months. Also representatives of local authority of Asht DC made speeches in this meeting.

Specialists-consultants, who made speech and provided reliable information to the participants of the meeting of their professional activity on 4 directions:

on the PRS and NDS program -Rakhimova B

on social protection -Kadyrova Kh.

on health care system -Rasulov K

on older people affairs - Ganiev A.

Rakhimova.B – in her speech has provided information about activities and programs of the PRS and NDS of the Republic of Tajikistan, with an emphasis on social protection and health care system. During her presentation Rakhimova B used an interactive method, brainstorm and work with the audience (Q & A). This interactive method has caused the activity of participants and increased the efficiency of the information provided.

Rasulov.K - provided information on the activities of health institutions in Asht DC about:

- health care institutions in Jamoats;

- allocated to medical transport;

- free health care services for the needy persons;

- funding for medical facilities;

- the variety of frequent diseases in this area;

- benefits for the participants of the Great Patriotic War and people with special needs, etc.

Kadirova Kh. - provided information on the activities of the department of social protection of population of Asht DC:

- about the available benefits

- on the types of pensions (age, according to record of service, etc.);

- number of people receiving pensions in district;

- information on the categories of the population of retirement age and cause of retire.

Ganiev-A - provide information on the activities of the department of older citizens of Asht DC:

- the number of retirees in this district;

- allocation of funds for payment of benefits, pensions, etc;

- about the activities conducted for older citizens.

Other news

9 oct 2017

Меҳнат моро муттаҳид мекунад!

Меҳнат риштаи дӯстии моро боз ҳам мустаҳкамтар мекунад! мегӯянд аъзои гурӯҳи тамосии ҷавонони Сомониён (Тоҷикистон) ва Кок-Тош (Қирғизистон).

Regions of Activity